Friday, June 16, 2006


David in Tin - God bless America!
Vceraj sem dobil svoj prvi cek in bil nadvse zadovoljen nad dobljenim zneskom. Kot kaze so mi tisti dan ko sem vozil shuttle racunali po tarifi 13 dolarjev na uro, kar dobis za nadure. Tako da sem dobil 9 ur nadur po 13 dolarjev, tako da je bila skupna vsota dobljenega denarja v enem tednu, z napitninami vred, 500 dolarjev. Toliko sem prej zasluzil v celem mesecu.
Zdaj vsi zaposleni tukaj berejo moj blog, tako da moram biti pozoren kaj pisem. Sicer noben ne razume slovensko, ampak vseeno iscejo ce sem kje napisal njihovo ime. :)))
Pa dejte mi kaj pisat. Noben mi nic ne pise, ker vsi mislijo, da dobivam na tone poste. Pa sploh ne. Tut ce se vam nic ne dogaja, pisite. Izkoristite prosti cas in pisite! :))


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tin is my new friend from Slovenia whom we fondly call the Tin Man !!!!!! I let him borrow my american flag tie and after that he has been a reservation machine. Tin is a pleasure to work with,he is eager to learn and has caught onto the front desk scene very quickly. The crew here at the Best Western has decided that we are not going to let him return home that we plan on adopting him.

4:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Zdravo Tin!
Bil sem operiran pa sem danes prišel domov. Vidim, da ti super gre, kot kaže si našel pravi izziv :). Dej kej opiši okolico, katera so kej večja mesta v bližini in podobno.


8:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The TIN-MAN ia a great assest to our Best Western TEAM!
It is a pleasure to work with him and learn about his country and his culture. We hope to continue our discussions on baseball, politics and all good things that men from all around the world commonly enjoy!
Tin is a good man and we are glad to ahve him here for the Summer!

11:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Vesel sem, da si končno primerno nagrajen za opravljeno delo! Drži se, stara sablja!

11:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

tocno to-js si tut mislm, da dobivas na tone poste in da itak nimas casa, da bi vsem odpisal, tko da samo uzivam ob prebiranju tvojih prigod :) !

v SLO razen ubijalske vrocine nic novega...
have fun!
petra (strukelj ;) , ker vidm, da jih mas vec... ;)) )

2:21 PM  

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