This city was built for me
New York here I come... New York, baby
Odštevanje se pričenja. Točno 4 dni in 7 ur je še do odhoda. Priprave so v polnem teku, seznam manjkajočih stvari se počasi krajša, časa je vse manj.
Na tem mestu bom v času bivanja preko luže poročal o tem, kaj se z mano dogaja in o vsem kar mi bo pač padlo na pamet in se mi bo zdelo, da bi lahko zanimalo ljudi.
Eden največjih carjev na tem planetu, Richard Ashcroft, je o New Yorku napisal tole:
And I wanted to go. Half my life. And I feel kind of strange, Like I never lived that life. And Im trying hard. To control my heart. And I always wanted to know. And I always wanted to go.
New york, are you tuning in
New york, big city of dreams
New york, oh what a city
New york, are you tuning in
There's no time to unpack yet. Lets get straight out on the street. And feel no inhibitions. This city was built for me. And my head is full of questions. When did I feel this good. In the arms of my lover. Burning through the night of new york.
And its funny how time flys. In the city that never sleeps. Its getting after hours. And Im feeling the heat. Im almost dead and buried. The day nearly done. But I want to keep on going. Im going to kiss the sun in new york
Nedvomno ocean življenjskih zgodb in človeških odnosov. Neskončne možnosti za različna doživetja in dejavnosti. Minus pa pomanjkanje naravnega okolja in miru. :)
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